Center of Excellence for Tourism
Small businesses need a voice in government. Your vote holds your local and national leaders responsible for the decisions they make and sends a message about the issues you think are important.
Elected officials make all sorts of decisions that can directly affect you and your employees. The President and Congress you elect decide whether to raise or lower taxes, make economic policies with implications for your business, and decide when or if to use military force.
Local elections can have an even more immediate and personal effect on you, your lifestyle, and your community.
Voting Information
Make a difference for your business and community by voting in Pennsylvania. Register to vote, find your polling place and learn more by visiting the Pennsylvania Department of State's online voting information and resource center.
Contacting Lawmakers
Voicing your opinions to lawmakers is one of the most effective actions you can take to help your small business. Your representatives in Congress want - and need - to hear from you to learn how legislation is affecting your day-to-day operations. It's up to you to tell them if their policies help or hurt you and your employees.
Whether you write an e-mail, fax, or mail a letter to your lawmaker, be sure to personalize your note with your own stories of how policies affect you and your employees.

At the Federal Level
At the federal level, Pennsylvania is represented by two members of the United States Senate and 18 members of the United States House of Representatives.
Our Position
The Pennsylvania SBDC is a nonpartisan, educational program. We strive to provide an objective perspective to help your business succeed in any environment. Except on policy issues relative to business education and training, we do not take public positions on policy issues or political proposals.
Consulting services are provided at no charge to you because of the financial support of the federal government and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. To ensure the SBDC program will be available to others, we may ask you to write to your legislators to let them know about your experience.
PA Legislature has a mobile site where visitors can search for bills by number or keyword, read the text of bills, get information on legislative committees and contact members of the General Assembly,
The Office of Advocacy of the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) is an independent voice for small business within the federal government. Economic research, policy analyses, and small business outreach help identify issues of concern, such as regulatory proposals.