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Helping businesses start, grow, and prosper.

Strategize. Organize. Succeed.


The Small Business Development Center at Gannon University offers no-cost, confidential consulting services for small businesses and entrepreneurs looking to start a business. All we ask is that you bring an open mind and a desire to gain the extra edge that will separate your business from the rest.

  • Financial Strategy and Analysis

  • Capital Acquisition

  • e-Commerce

  • Environmental Management Issues

  • Financing and Loan Packaging

  • Franchising

  • Home-based Business

  • International Trade

  • Management

  • Marketing and Advertising

  • Retailing

  • Strategic Planning

  • Succession Planning

Upcoming Event

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Dining In With Clay

“I realized that I wanted something different out of my career when my wife and I were over at a friend’s house. I cooked for them while everyone sat around their kitchen island. As I was interacting with them and sharing my knowledge and passion about cooking with them, I knew instantly that this was it.” - Clay Hanna, Owner

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